Monday 23 July 2012

Dream 65

I was in a department store with lots of free-standing shelves containing homeware items. The lights in the store were very bright. I was walking around and suddenly one section of the shop became a supermarket as I got closer to the shelves and saw what produce was there. I was being followed by a middle-aged man. He had average height and build, with grey hair and very effeminate mannerisms - he was extremely camp. He had an orange tan and wore a grey suit with a pink tie and in his buttonhole, either a corsage or rosette of some form. He was holding a shopping basket, but I was aware that he was the manager of the department store/supermarket. I opened a packet of Ryvitas and began to eat one, plain. I offered the male a Ryvita, but he refused and instead asked if he could finish mine. I sat back onto a bright pink sofa which was just behind me. I gave the last bite of my Ryvita to the male and felt slightly annoyed that he didn't just accept his own, rather than taking some of mine.

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